LOL: The shameful failure of a professional who forgot a tip that give the beginners

At this seasonal heights, the league of legends competitive only has room for the best teams and players. All looks are placed in the next 2021 Worlds and barely parties separate professionals from the goal of being at the global event. However, even in the elite it is possible to see bulge errors. Simply pressure from the moment or punctual concentration failure to end up signing a disastrous play.

A resounding failure of just pixels

Powerofevil (PoE) was the unfortunate protagonist of a situation of this kind. The player of Team Solomid was played before Team Liquid to ensure the position in the next Worlds without having to suffer. An achievement by which the team will have to continue fighting in upcoming eliminatory after falling defeated by three maps one in a series in which the Mid Lane starred one of the failures that will mark the becoming of the playoffs of the region.

After a fabulous hunt on the rival shooter, the player is ready to continue with the initiation with the flash and the imperial phalanx of Azir. However, a bad position when it comes to making the flash ends up making it not capable of crossing the wall. Thus, launches a definitive one when it is still maintained on the wrong side of the wall giving rise to one of the most unfortunate images of this competitive League of Legends stage.

Although it is an unusual failure, Powerofevil is not the first player who commits it. Many of the most outstanding professionals have had a failure of this kind throughout their career for forget to walk towards the wall before throwing the flash . A mechanics that we have internalized and is almost a beginner, but with a small desfision can make us live one of the most shameful moments that League of Legends can cause us.


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