A new sega arcade room will see the day at Ikebukuro

A few weeks only after the closing of the iconic Sega Ikebukuro Gigo, Genda Sega Entertainment confirms that a new establishment on several floors will open in the same district of Ikebukuro and it not later than on October 22.

As a reminder, it s the end of September that the Sega Ikebukuro Gigo room closed after 28 years of good and loyal services. A heartbreaking disappearance for many premises and even visitors from elsewhere, but may be partly offset by the opening of this new room located right in front of the old.

In part , because if this open building from 10h to 23h occupies no less than 5 levels, only the subsoil will house arcade terminals, the rather modest number of 18, depending on the brochure. The 4th and last floor will offer a coffee to eat as well as a shop, while the other 3 floors will be occupied by what seems to really bring back money today in this kind of places, CRANE Game In other words, catch-plush machines, which will be 83.

Despite a breakdown of the space not very favorable to the Gamer public, some will still remember the positive, if only for the pleasure of finding the iconic red facade, without forgetting that the opening of this room is presented as The first of the three volumes of Genda Sega Entertainment s IKEBUKURO project that should not stay there.


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