Rocket League celebrates Halloween Fiching to Batman himself: These are his new activities and rewards

Halloween is just around the corner and with it comes the traditional Rocket League seasonal seasonal event, which last year was starring GhostBusters and this year will have Batman as protagonist. The event starts tomorrow and will present new event challenges with the thematic objects of Super Villains of Batman, a new limited time mode (MTL) for Batman s thematic rumble, the return of three iconic batims and a new variant of sand.

As a bonus, players who connect during the event will take the Dark Knight player signboard. Haunted Hallows will last from October 14 to November 1.

Rocket League, the League of Licenses

I beat Rocket League's Season Mode... so you don't have to

Since it happened to Fortnite, Rocket League has redoubled his strategy to bring all kinds of licenses to the game. Among the most recent, James Bond, Fast and Furious and even Pele.

In parallel, Rocket League prepares a mobile version, baptized Rocket League Sideswipe. This will be Free-to-Play that will debut at the end of the year and is currently under development for iOS and Android devices.


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